Thursday, December 25, 2008


In this blog I may or may not talk about a lot of things I may or may not have done. Some of these things may or may not have had a good/bad/interesting/predictable outcome. If you read this blog, you might get some ideas about things that is / was happened or been done either in Malaysia or outside Malaysia you might like or not it is up to you, all I can say to you is this: the liability lies solely with you for the consequences of anything you choose to do after reading this blog. I am not responsible for anything bad that happens to you if you tried something because you read that it turned out well for me. The whole point is that you are not me and I am not you, which is a good thing. I encourage you to embrace your unconventional decisions as well as your conventional ones, but more importantly to take full responsibility for (and indeed be proud of) every move you make in your life, no matter how it turns out.Nevertheless this Blog is solely the owner views on each and every topics that had been post in this blog.The owner of this blog doesn't represent any organization,programmes, social group, 3rd party during his/her blogging activities. It is just solely his/her thought and doesnt implicate of what he/she doing with any organization or programmes.

I would normally assume that this sort of thing is obvious to the kind of person who would be interested in reading this blog, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from living an unconventional life, it’s not to assume anything. This Blog doesn't reflect the organisation, programmes views of any issues arise in this blog it is again solely the owner preception and views on each topics that had been posted in this blog. The Organisation / Programmes is NOT responsible, directly or indirectly, for the accuracy, completeness, or otherwise of the contents and links in this Blog.
So with that in mind, I bring you Yau Place

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